This modification consists of two tapered ventral fins known as strakes. Each strake is a two-part split design, and the rear-most portions are attached to the tailcone. This design allows for the largest possible surface area consistent with rotation angle ground clearance while maintaining ease of tailcone removal for maintenance and inspections.
Benefits Include:
- Improved directional stability during take-off, climb and landing
- Improved cabin ride during cruise flight
- Improved stability and handling at high angles of attack and low airspeed
- Reduced yaw with or without yaw damper engaged
- Reduced aft body drag with associated benefits
- Additional two knot reduction in Vmc
Installation kits are certified and in stock for immediate delivery.
Aft Body Strakes are available for:
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Read what our customers have to say about Aft Body Strakes
“I added VG’s then winglets and then Strakes. A duke is a marvelous flying machine but the BLR additions makes it a far safer aircraft to operate and definitely enhances performance.
I have noticed that on approaches to 1G5 I have a power setting that is 2 inches less manifold pressure than before I had the mods. I have flown dukes for 33 years and would definitely add these mods to any Duke I would be flying.”– Earle Olson, Duke Owner