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Breakthrough Performance

Better Performance Starts With Better Technology

BLR has developed and certified its FastFin® Tail Rotor Enhancement and Stability System for installation on Airbus H125 helicopters. The System is available for all models of AS350, and certified performance is available for the B1, B2, B3 and H125/B3e. The FastFin System is compatible for Transport Canada STC SH96-31 battery modifications.

FastFin uses advanced airflow management to increase the effectiveness of the H125 anti-torque system for significant increases to hover load and stability. The FastFin is comprised of an Advanced Tailboom Aerodynamic Cowling (ATAC), a Tailboom Strake and Vortex Generators.

FastFin System benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Reduction in Pilot Workload
  • Up to 10% Increase in Available Right Pedal
  • Greater Control in Precision Hover-Hold
  • Up to 120lbs Useful Load Increase in OGE Hover
  • Reduces Potential of Over-Torque
  • For Return on Investment (ROI) Calculations Contact Keith Ray
Performance Highlights

increase in available right pedal


useful load increase in HOGE*

* W/ AS350 B3e Airbus Power Upgrade
How It Works
Side View of Vertical Stabilizer & Tailboom
Rear View of Vertical Stabilizer & Tailboom
FastFin AS350 Certification List
  • FAA, EASA (Europe), ANAC (Brazil), Canada, CAAC (China), DCGA (India), DGCA (Mexico)

The H125 (AS350 Series) FastFin System is available to the aftermarket and as a factory-installed option on new H125 helicopters. The FastFin System is compatible for Transport Canada STC SH96-31 battery modifications.

Request More Information
Where To Buy

Locate your nearest FastFin Dealer.

Davenport Aviation

Authorized GSA Reseller

FastFin® System Brochure
FastFin® Return On Investment
FastFin® Testimonials
Vertical Magazine FastFin® Test Flight
FastFin® Useful Load Increase Charts

To purchase, contact a BLR performance expert
Keith Ray
(425) 405-4808
[email protected]

Read what others have to say about Fast Fin®

“The additional performances brought by the BLR FastFin system will benefit our H125 operators performing very demanding missions.”

– Mathilde Royer-Germain, Vice President of Airbus Helicopters

“Cost per pound is king, I have wanted more capability for several years, and FastFin represents a step change in useful load. All four FastFin Systems are flying and proving their worth. We're lifting more, and our pilots are reporting improved stability and reduced workload. This is a product with a good cost/benefit ratio."

– Bart Brainerd, Brainerd Aviation

"We immediately noticed the much more neutral pedal position when lifting which translates to more available pedal when needed. The hover is quite stable and most situations require less pedal work than before the modification…..Most importantly for us, the aircraft will easily lift what the new performance charts indicate. This is often well over a 100lb increase in payload compared to the original charts."

– John Whedons, Chief Pilot, Mountain Blade Runner Helicopters

"The modifications provide more control margin in high altitude conditions, and a better comfort margin for critical work. This is in addition to the improved handling qualities that make it a lot smoother to land and hover…"

– Jon Bourke, Chief Pilot, Helicopter Express

"We are very happy w the strakes! I flew her a good bit this weekend and there is noticeable improvement in the handling. Good product you have there - good working w you"
- Patrick Hosemann, Jr., CEO Southern Cross Aircraft
"An interesting observation with our BLR FastFin machine was that during the same 600hr T/R inspection, minimal wear was noted on the feathering and yoke bearing. These bearings were able to be kept in service, and upon reaching the required Airbus 1200hr OTL bearing replacement, the feathering bearings were still within limits. Surprisingly, the yoke bearing was also found to be within limits. Talking with the pilots about the matter, these observations made sense as they reported less yaw input necessary and increased stability while in hover operations."

- Darren Shipman, Production Manager, Horizon Helicopters